Well you let him do what he wants and when he wants. dont crowd around him, much/give him some space, make him feel speical. Tell him how much you love him and if you can get him gifts be VERY kind to his mates.
That decision is entirely up to you. Which one do you love more. If you love your best male friend more go for it and break up with your boyfriend. But if your boyfriend means more to you hold on to the good thing you have.
With love and respect and he will love you and respect you even more and more .. with kindness.
ask him
i think she would love both of them most because your boyfriend is part of the family
You can love any number of people - including your boyfriend and your family, and other friends - but in different ways. The more you love, the more you are able to love. On the other hand, if you're in a situation where you don't particularly like your family for some reason - after all, you didn't choose them - it's fine to love your boyfriend - who presumably you did choose - more.
No, the more you tell the more he'll probably love you back
a boy/girl love 2 or more boyfriend/girlfriend
Tell him look,i know you know I have a boyfriend and this is not right.I love him to much to cheat on him. For more information email me @ Brittaniencalade@yahoo.com Tell him look,i know you know I have a boyfriend and this is not right.I love him to much to cheat on him. For more information email me @ Brittaniencalade@yahoo.com
if the girl needs family love, then family is more important and if she is truly in love with her boyfriend, then the love is more important.
no.....word is is has more than 1 boyfriend.
Wanting to love a girl who already has a boyfriend,and trying to convince her that he can love her more than him.