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Umm lets see im a girl. personally i don't think its right when guys TRY TO GET there best friends ex girlfriend. even thought I've dated my ex's best friends alot only one of them had asked ME out. i think u should ask your best friend that first that's what the guy who asked me out did he went right to my ex and asked if he can ask me out.

Well basicay answer A. is right but in mi oppinion you should just go for it ask her out but don't be pushy be nice and sweet also senciere show her that u like her but if you can see her bodylanguag that's telling you to leave follw it and try again at a later date say the next day and also if your best friend is a true friend he should incourage you not drag you down

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You make her or him fall into your hands, have sex .

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Q: How do you get your best friends ex girlfriend?
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