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You usually have to be a lesbian to make out with a lesbian...unless you get a whorey lesbian..then you just get her drunk.

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15y ago
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12y ago

If she is a true lesbian start taking off her clothes gently.Then start licking her up that is if she smells and agrees.Start trying to enter her with your fingers.

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Q: How do you get to make out with a lesbian?
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Does it makes you not a lesbian?

If you are a lesbian, nothing can make you "not a lesbian."

Does cheating with a lesbian make you gay?

No, cheating with a lesbian makes you a cheater. Nothing can make you gay or lesbian; that is something you're born with.

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You can't make someone else a lesbian. A woman who previously identified as straight may come out, or make an exception for a specific person, but there is no way to turn someone into a lesbian.

How do you make a lesbian?

you do not make a lesbian. gays are born gay. you could convince a straight girl to do things with you, but you cannot convert them.

Is Britney Spears a lsibian?

If Making Out With Madonna Doesnt Make Her A Lesbian Then i Guess Not. If Making Out With Madonna Doesnt Make Her A Lesbian Then i Guess Not.

How do you make it obvious to someone that your'e a lesbian?

wear a giant sign that says im lesbian

How can you make a lesbian take off your clothing during sex?

You basiclly just take the clothes off of the lesbian.

Is Stacy keibler a lesbian?

No, Kelly Kelly is not a lesbian. The kisses between two divas is just to make a storyline.

Is lesbian can kiss a girl?

a lesbian is when a girl likes the opposite sex. for example, if you like to make out with women and men, you are bisexual. if you like to make out with just women, you are lesbian. if you like to make out with men, you are straight.. this is depending on whether you are a male or female. in which, i am speaking in a females perspective.

Does zendaya have a girlfrined?

No of course not that would make her a lesbian

How can you make your friend a lesbian?

You can't. If she is, she is, but if she isn't, she isn't.

How do i come out to people that I'm a lesbian?

If you are a lesbian and you want to come out to people then you should probably make sure that they are ok with it first.