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Hold down the on and home button at the same time. It should turn off. Then repeat.

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Q: How do you get rid of waiting apps?
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How do you get rid of waiting apps on the ipod touch?

have to wait for them to download

I bought a couple apps for the iPod touch and the apps are little gray dots that say waiting. How do get rid of those or get them to work?

when you sync your ipod, select apps on the side bar. you should get a message saying these apps are unavailable to download and you have to authorize it basically. if not, click on the apps and then click download off to the side

How you get rid of apps icons on apple smart4?

There is a few apps you can get rid of off of the Apple Smart 4. You will have to click on the app and then click on the uninstall button.

Why are iphone apps waiting?

you probably updated all your apps at once so they're taking turns downloading

Can you get rid of stuff on your iPod touch?

You can get rid of apps, photos, and movies on your iPod Touch, but you must get rid of music when it is connected to the computer.

How do you get rid of apps which are loading?

by pressing the small button at the bottom

How do you delete apps from your iPod that are waiting?

all you have to do is switch off your ipod then turn it back on.

How do you get rid of your Farmville on facebook?

go to apps rightclick you will find delete app

Why do your apps say waiting?

The app is "qued" since only one app can be downloaded at a time.

How do you delete waiting ipod touch apps?

You need to go into a wifi area and then it will stop waiting and start loading. Then you have the app you purchased and may delete it if you want.

How do you dele waiting iPod apps from another accout?

have to wait till the app download before you can delete it

What does it mean when an app you just downloaded says waiting?

It means that the app is either waiting for the Payment to be processed, or if you are updating, it means that it is waiting for the other apps to finish updating. Apple only allows one download at a time.