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try to put tee tree oil on it

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Q: How do you get rid of the bump by my nose piercing?
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How do you get rid of bump around nose piercing?

A bump is a reaction to your cleaning agent, stop using it and look at the related links for more help with your issue.

What could it mean if you have a bump on your nose piercing?

If its an old piercing its most likely scar tissue, if its a new piercing its most likely getting infected and there is pus in the bump.

Do a plum form on the nose after piercing?

Mine didn't. But I've seen others have a bump on their nose from the piercing. But of course I always do my own piercings.

How do you get rid of the bump on the bridge of your nose without cosmetic surjery?

There is no way to get rid of the bump on a person's nose without undergoing cosmetic surgery. That bump is actually an upturned portion of a person's nasal bone, and there is no way to fix that without surgery.

What do you use if sea salt soaks dont get rid of the nose piercing bump?

I would recommend that you either try a gentle antibacterial soap and water, or you consult a physician. That could be a bad sign.

Is there an exercise you can do to get rid of the bump on your nose?

I dont think so, sorry.I wish!

Is surgery the only way to get rid of a bump on your nose?

yes, how would someone do it otherwise?

How do you get rid of bump around your dimple piercing?

A bump around your dimple piercing is the body guarding the piercing, the surrounding tissue toughens as the piercing heals. This will ease off as the piercing heals, ensure you are rinsing the piercing daily under running water (best done in the shower after shampoo and conditioner as these tend to irritate the piercing). Should you have serious concerns contact your body piercer and let him/her have a look at it.

How do you heal nose piercing red scar n bump?

Salt water and do not touch it. Try bio oil for the scar.

How should you take care of your nose piercing if there's a bump under your stud and a scab on the side of your stud?

See your piercer, who can help you out.

Can you use kosher salt for nose piercing bump?

If it is a bump on your nose piercing that isn't filled with puss but keeps growing it is most likely a keloid. The best thing to use is TEA TREE OIL. It comes in a little bottle and you can find it at a Walmart where all the medicines are. Dip a q-tip in the bottle and apply a little of the oil to the bump. DO NOT TOUCH THE BUMP OR MESS WITH IT as that's what makes it bigger. It should clear up in a few days depending on how big the bump is and how much you mess with it.

How do you get rid of bump around nose ring?

bactine. Or use tea tree oil. Dab a little bit on there and it'll get rid of it pretty guickly.