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GOAL: Use both defenders to deconstruct the crab. Use the defender to pick up the plans for the treebot and dirtbuggy. Build the treebot and uproot the tree between you and the lion. Bring the lion out of his area with one defender, and go into his area with the other to pick up the defender plans. Build more defenders and use them (you may have to rebuild some) to deconstruct the lion. You can build a dirtbuggy and use it to bring energy bricks close to where your defenders are fighting with the lion. Now get the bulldozer plans. Use the dirtbuggy to move the piles of yellow bricks lying around and those extra wheels to a single pile and then take it apart. Use these bricks to build a bulldozer. Use the bulldozer to push the boulder that is blocking the path to the rightmost area. Pick up the plan for the duck. Take apart the bulldozer and build a dirtbuggy again, cross the rocky road and pick up the plan for the snails. Use the red bricks that you got from deconstructing the crab to build a snail, and send it to the goal.

BONUS GOAL: Take apart the dirtbuggy and rebuild it into a duck on the piece of clear land nearest the bonus goal and you've got it.

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