Answer Unfortunately this happens sometimes. You have to move on. There is someone else out there for you who will love you back.
if your asking wiki answers than you dont have much hope
No I would not. That is not the correct way to go about a Breakup, or other relationship difficultys. Answer If you love someone you wouldn't hurt them whether they love you back or not.
Just tell them you are sorry but you do not feel that way about them.
he might just be getting back at you and when you go to ask him back out he is going to say i found someone else and it turns out to be your bff. dont trust him.
The common term for it is "unrequited love".
Because you need love..... Answer If you love someone and you set them free and they don't come back to you it isn't meant to be. There is someone else out there for you.
i honestly dont think you can love someone who has done that to you, i know its hard to hear it but they either dont love you, or the people they have cheated with have left them , i would suggest not to go back they dont deserve you at all. im pretty sure you could do better
you should forget him or her,and find a person who love you the way you is not someone else i been there
well..honestly, love is different for other people...if you leave someone, that doesnt mean you dont love them but if they never come back that might mean that they dont love you. in your case, they probably came back and that does mean that they obveiously care for you and love you[;
move on, let them be...maybe someday you can be friends move on, let them be...maybe someday you can be friends
i dont love you, sorry!