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Just do your best to quit thinking about that person and focus on better things going on in your life. Trust me if that person was worth going out with then they would have felt the same way about you.

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Q: How do you get over someone you love when they do not feel the same way?
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If you love someone will they ever feel the same way?

if you love someone tell them and ask if they feel the same if they ignore you just smile to them and wait keep trying and do your best GOOD LUCK!!!!

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if you really someone you let them know and tell them how you feel and see if they feel the same way

How do you get over someone you love when that person does not feel the same?

If it is true love. You will let the other "someone" make choices you may not agree with. True love is wishing the best for the other, regardless of your feelings. As for you, time heals all wounds.

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In one word, no. If I respect someone I don't necessarily love them. But if I truly love someone I do respect them.

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It's good person that would feel badly when they know they do not love the person they are with. Honesty is the best way to go and if you are not in love with someone else then be kind and tell your mate that you have fallen out of love through no fault of their own and you want to take time out for yourself. People do get over lost love.

What do you do if you love someone but he does not you?

Move on and put your energies into a relationship that he feels the same for you as you feel for him.

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They feel stuck doing the same things over and over.

How do you completely get over someone you love when they do not feel the same wa?

This is the question of decades. Its hard but it can be done. If this person does not feel the same, it can cause heartache. Think about the dynamic of what you share with this person, be realistic with yourself and look at it really was. You can learn to accept that they do not feel the same way and find someone who will or you can move on, let them go and recognize the boundaries of what your heart can bear.

How do you feel about steady dating?

I think it's a good idea if you're with someone that you really love and they feel the same about you.

How can you tell someone that you love them and you think they feel the same?

Just tell them. If you think they feel the same way and you're right, they should be fine with it. They might even say they love you back.

When someone you love just wont contact you?

they might not feel the same way or they are busy

What do you do if you still have feelings for your ex but your scared he doesnt feel the same?

Just give your love even ur not sure if he feel the same cuz if u love someone u dont have to be scared...