Well i would say, if i was in your place i would think " He broke my heart. I dont need him. " Spend time with your friends, hang with your family, and give it time. Your broken heart sha'll be healed again! Remember Friendship is forever!
To get over a past crush that broke your heart, it's important to allow yourself to grieve and heal. Focus on self-care activities, spend time with friends and family, and keep yourself busy with hobbies. Remember that with time and distance, the pain will lessen, and you'll be able to move on.
i make myself busy...
If your crush was heart broken in the past, and you are worried of the influence it will have in your relationship, explain to him the need to accept and move on.
first he already broke your heart so why let him do it again stay away from him and keep him in the past if you go back to him he will just use you for one thing he will say anything to keep getting it also do not believe him!!!!!!! at all period . stay away from him or you will get walked on over and over.
The answer is that you don't, how do you forget a pet that died ,you don't.
The past tense of crush is crushed.
infinitive: break past: broke past participle: broken
he's a stud
BROKE is the past tense of BROKE. The present tense is BREAK or BREAKING.
The simple past of "break" is "broke."
The past tense of break is broke, and the past participle is broken.
The past tense of break is broke.broken
It is quite possible that your crush is afraid to have another relationship since his heart was broken, especially if it was recent. If this is the case, don't push it, take it one day at a time. If it is meant to be, both of you will eventually be together.