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just be nice and introduce your self

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Q: How do you get new freinds?
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How do you make new freinds?

if you want to make a friend, be a friend.

What do you do if your freinds say they are not freinds?

then their not friends

Why your friends are don't friendship with you?

freinds stay and dont pick your freinds your freinds pick you

How freinds are you aloud to have on club penguin?

500 freinds

How do you make more friends in MySpace?

Try adding new people and eventually they'll be your freinds(: Edit:Say that your famous and stuff and chat and chat and chat and add them,soon your going to be full with freinds

What is swift code for icici bank new friends colony?

what is the swift code for icici bank for new freinds colony new delhi branch

Why do tomcats go outside?

tomcats go outside so they can meet new freinds example other cats

What if you like a preppie and you're a nerd?

if your a good person and become freinds with he/she maybe you'll get in return or do a new look?

Is gta4 two player?

original: noooooooooooooo new: No, not ofline however if you have online acsess you can have fun blowing up complete strangers or freinds (if added to freinds list) however the only way to play with others you know is with a different console.

How do you add friends in your preferred list on MySpace?

You need to go to freinds and go where you add freinds

Should you smoke if your freinds tell you to?

no 100% not!smoking is not just a one time thing. it is can kill you many people have died from smoking all over the world.peer pressure is a horribble habbit.i suggest you find some new freinds.

I took your advise and asked a friend to ask the person i have a crush on what he thinks of me but he said we don t really talk much what could i say to him without sounding too obvious?

i would go up to him and tell him that my freinds were joking and then try to become better freinds with him bit by bit i would go up to him and tell him that my freinds were joking and then try to become better freinds with him bit by bit i would go up to him and tell him that my freinds were joking and then try to become better freinds with him bit by bit i would go up to him and tell him that my freinds were joking and then try to become better freinds with him bit by bit