There are three ways:
oh yeah
a diamonds cleavage is the cleavage of a diamond
Conchoidal Fracture. Clevage is impossible in a pearl
it has a bad clevage.thank you.astalavista baby
when u feel ready :)
Physical properties like clevage,fracture,color, ect.
Flash a lil clevage. give him a hug
Clevage-a flat cut. Fracture-a cut that hes bumps in it.
No they can only grow if they eat ur sisters clevage
Cover your clevage, or anything that might tempt him/her to do things with you. Men are horny 50% of the time.
What is pink color nonmetalic and galssy luster softer than topaz quuartz scratches apatite harder than fluorite has clevage and is scratched by a steel file?