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To get in touch with the 3 credit agencies, go to:,, You may have to order credit reports from all three and it will show you the reporting creditor and their contact information.

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Q: How do you get in touch with a credit agency to pay them?
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What is an agency credit memo?

An agency credit memo is an official notification that a travel agency has overpaid an airline for a ticket.

If a friend refuses to pay a debt and you don't want to sue but want to report it so it appears on his credit report how can you do that and will a collection agency file such a claim?

Not without suing. It's a credit report. You are not a creditor. If you sued and got a jugdment and she didn't pay then that would be on the credit report

How long does it take to reflect on your credit report when you pay off a debt?

Depending on how soon the reporting collectipn agency notifies the credit bureau, and then I think the bureaus update the first of the month

If a debt has been paid to the original creditor and they recall it from their collection agency will a dispute succeed in having it removed from the credit report?

Hard to say. Disputing the collection after you pay off the creditor could still come back as 'verified' from the credit bureaus simply because the collection did happen. If the collection agency does not respond to the credit bureau's query, then the entry will be removed.

What is the time limit imposed on a collection agency to validate a debt?

If you legally incurred the debt then you are responsible for it until it is paid. A company other than the company to which you were originally indebted may purchase the rights to your debt and you are responsible for paying them. There is no time limit on that debt. A collection agency can legally pursue you until the debt is paid in full. However, there is a time limit on the negative consequences of not paying the debt. In most circumstances that limit is seven years. Seven years from the time you became delinquent with your original creditor. Whether or not your debt was purchased by a collection agency, it should not be reported on your credit report or affect your credit score after seven years. The only time the debt could reappear is if you take an action on it. For example: In 1997 you applied for and received a store credit card and charged $1000 in merchandise. You did not pay the bill and after their attempts to collect the debt fail, the store sells your debt to a collection agency in 1998. That agency sells your debt to another agency in 2000. In the meantime, you pay all your bills on time and have an otherwise spotless credit history. In 2004 your $1000 debt will no longer appear on your credit report and your credit score will be higher because the old debt is no longer figured in the calculation. The collection agency is not doing anything illegal by contacting you regarding your debt. But it is no longer affecting your credit rating. In 2007 you pay $500 toward the debt. Your credit report would reflect you have a $500 debt to the collection agency and your credit score would drop. I hope this answered your question.

Related questions

Can I use my credit card after I pay off the collections agency?

No. Once it is sent to a collection agency the company has closed the credit card.

What does a collection agency do to your credit?

They don't do anything. Failure to pay bills causes credit to be reported badly and your credit score to go down. All a collection agency does is go after you for the money.

What if you do not pay house bills?

File for bankruptsy or see a credit help agency.

What agency collects information on how promptly people pay their bills?

Credit bureau

Asking If you pay the collection agency can you have the derogatory item removed from your credit file?

pay the collection agency, then check what their report is about you, if not good threaten to get a attorney and bring suit

How do you pay for apps on an iPod Touch?

gift card or credit card

If you don't pay a medical bill does it go on your credit?

Yes, they will have you taken to a collection agency and that in itself is a bad mark on your credit.

Is it better to pay a collection agency or let them write the debt off?

if you pay the collection agency you can get back in good credit standings , ifyou dont they can get a judgment against you, and garnish your wadges , if they do a charge off it stays on your credit for up to 10 years know and it is harder to get credit with a charge off

If you pay a collection agency does the collection come off of your credit report?

Yes you tell the collection agency you will pay ONLY if they can give you a letter that say they will delete the item from your report it's call pay for deletion

What happens if you do not pay a collection agency?

if a collection agency isn't paid, the debt can be put on a persons credit report. The collection agency can also choose to garnish a persons paycheck.

If you refuse to pay a doctor referred by a 'if we do not win you do not pay' lawyer who took a car accident case will it hurt your credit?

Is the doctor going to turn the account over to a collection agency? A collection account would hurt your credit. Is the collection agency going to sell the account to another agency, thus extending the time period it shows on your credit report? If they do, it could hurt your credit for an even longer period of time.

What methods can a creditor take to make you pay the difference after a repossession?

They will most likely send your account to a collections agency. Intrest will still accrue as will phone calls, letters from the agency. This can damage your credit score and credit report. Your best bet is to pay whatever it is off as soon as possible. They will most likely send your account to a collections agency. This can damage your credit report and score. Your best bet it to pay whatever it is off immediatly.