just find a video with imma firin mah lazer and copy the URL and go to video2mp3.com
no. i'mma firin mah lazer
you can find the "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZ0R" sound right here: http://files.filefront.com/IMMA+FIRIN+MAH+LAZARwma/;9911753;/fileinfo.html/1/1 Kippenei, googlin for people since 1990
Okay, first of all use language kids will understand CHUMP. However, the meaning of life is 42... The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?The Game, IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAAAAAAAA, so Brock, i herd you liek mudkips? ROFLMAO! The Game, i gave birth to a llama, how do You feel now?
The quote " I'm a Firin' Mah Lazor" comes from a Youtube video called The Lazer Collection where the character Cell from a fictional television series titled Dragon Ball Z.The Lazer Collection is an animated stick figure video made by Dominic Fear and Has 3 (and more to come) Sequels. In one point of the video the character Cell says "I'm a Firin' Mah Lazor" and shoots a laser with a white middle and a blue color surrounding the white.
Well, honey, if you're firing your laser, I hope you're aiming it in the right direction. Just be careful not to singe your eyebrows off or blind any innocent bystanders. And for goodness sake, wear some safety goggles!
The term "Ima Firin mah lazahs!", is an internet meme.You take an image and draw on a mouth and eyebrows with red. The mouth is filled with black. The eyes are white, and black. Then you add a laser coming out of its mouth. Finally, add the text "Ima Firin Mah Lazahs!".If you are refering to the black head that yells "IM A FIRING ME LAZAAR!" then to be honest all I know is that it is named Shoop da WHoop and came up out of nowhere. i dont think anyone one knows who did the first one only that now it has been done many times by many peopleShoop da whoop orginated from 4 chan, in which a user managed to sucsessfully cross two dragonball characters, cell (perfect form) and mr popo( whos face still appears all the time whitin the meme)it means....IMA FIRIN MUH LAZOR BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
"IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER" meme originating from 4chan's /b/ imageboard. The original picture is an image of Imperfect Cell level 2 from the anime Dragon Ball Z, with his face blacked out, giant open mouth and red lips, and cockeyed... erm, eyes done poorly in MSPAINT with the caption "IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER", "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER" or "SHOOP DA WHOOP". This version of the character is known as Nigra Cell. Other images under this meme involve the blacking out of the face and addition of Nigra Cell's mouth and eyes, with a much greater potential variety of captions. Picture modified in this way are often referred to as having been "shooped." This is a play on the phrase "shopped," which refers to using the program Photoshop to edit a picture.
It is not enough that I succeed-all others must fail.
1 charge your lazor 2 say imma firin mah lazzooorrr 3 BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
its a very viral internet meme, steps: 1. charge your lazar. 2. build up your lazar. 3. remember, dont choke on your lazar. 4. fire your lazar. if you do choke on your lazar, fire a royal rainbow, or a taco instead.
cell from dragonball z fires his lazer
William Of Normandy wasn't thought to be the right heir to the throne because he was French and from France not England. But in 1066 he became king anyway when he shot Harold II in the eye with an arrow which killed him - making William king of England.