Purchase one from a licensed dealer, purchase one from another resident of Missouri, or be given one as a gift by another Missouri resident.
Only if you legally possess the firearm in accordance with federal and state laws.
the rams state is in missuri
Short answer is yes.
Legally, yes. A firearm is defined as the receiver (frame) Even when it has been taken apart, the receiver is still legally a firearm.
No. You are forbidden to legally posess a firearm and your record always follows you.
Yes, provided the firearm itself is legally obtained.
Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
Yes, a shotgun is considered a firearm even if totally dismantled because it still contains the essential components that define it as a firearm. Ownership and transportation may still be subject to firearm laws and regulations even in a dismantled state.
Be of legal age and not be legally disqualified from purchasing a firearm.
A felon is no longer allowed to legally carry a firearm.
No not legally.