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Crystal Glass mine (not on most islands, Glass Blower to improve this, Trade or Pillage.

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Q: How do you get crystal glass in ikariam?
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When did Ikariam happen?

Ikariam happened in 2008.

When was Ikariam created?

Ikariam was created in 2008-02.

Will crystal say crystal on it?

Most of the time it will. Good crystal always will. You can tell crystal from glass by lightly tapping the side of the glass, vase, or item. When you do this you will get a ringing sound from crystal and a "thump" sound from glass.

How do you tell if a decanter is lead crystal?

Crystal and glass are the same thing. Crystal is glass that contains lead. When lightly tapped it has a sharp ring compared to plain glass.

Does Miss America depression glass crystal contain lead?

Crystal glass contain lead.

Can crystal cut glass?

Diamond is a crystal. Yes.

Can crystal cut through glass?

Diamond is a crystal. Yes.

Does ikariam have a virus?

Ikariam does not have a virus. As there is a microtransaction system in-game it would be damaging to their wallets if they did use the game to distribute malware.

Which is drug is white glass crystal powder like and does not dissolve in water?

Crystal methamphetamine fits the description of a white glass crystal powder that does not dissolve in water.

How do you test crystal glassware for authenticity?

To test crystal glassware for authenticity you can weigh it as crystal is heavier than glass. In addition crystal sparkles in light while glass doesn't.

What do you do with money on ikariam?

buy ships

What is fine crystal?

Fine crystal is considered high quality glass. In order for the product to be classified as crystal rather than glass, at least 10% lead oxide has to be present.