the same thing just happened to me. wat u need to do is click the firget password button if they havent changed where the emails get sent to. if that does not work contact moviestarplanet immediatly and if they ignore u, make a new account and send a message to the hacker that might scare them off. tips: if u can choose forget password make sure that u change the password to someting long and random if u choose to send the message make sure to sound like an adualt use big wirds and metion the words: police, illeagle, sue, press charges, jail, fine, law, banned, reported, expellef, killed. just use some of thoae words good luck:p
you login to yo8ur account and go to settings and at the bottem it says
What button do you press to send messages on movie star planet
movie stars password is vx89301y
yes they do
Well, if you just type in the word "hacked" it doesn't black out that word out, so I guess its allowed. Also if you say "Lets hack movie star planet" it still doesn't black the words out. The people who made movie star planet still might not want you saying stuff like that though. Anyway, yes, you can type in "hacked".
ok basicly give somebody your password,or get tricked by me, jokes
when u are logged off plz dont tell anyone ur pass cos if they do they will steal your clothes send it 2 their accont!! and spend your coins and plus they will also send nasty messges 2 your friends i hope this really helped xx !! add me Famousegirl200
Not a chance.
you cant the best way to not get hacked though is buying it on your phone it will be added to your phone bill, but be careful you can still get hacked
on your account
Its at the top of the screen somewhere