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YTEpisodes is a "Bait-&-Switch" SCAM. Claims it's free; but after users made accounts & used the site & contributed, they shut down accounts & demand money (while straining themselves to say "oh, we're just ASKING". Yet if you don't comply to their "asking" for a "donation", they ban accounts: a con artist method of acquiring the money for use of the site without rules & accountability of a contract (fees in specific exchange for product.) Hey, YTE staff: "asking" for "donation", followed by reset of accounts on compliance to the "donation"? That = a fee of specific $ amounts you've set, in exchange for specific service, i.e., website access and use. A.K.A. a binding contract- and you might as well own up to it. YTE admins flee clear languange & specified exchange agreements, so that they can continue the pattern of changing rules randomly, to siphon more cash from unwitting users, with no accountability.

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Q: How do you get an invite code for ytepisodes?
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you can get an invite code for and some others such as iptorrent at They are really nice people there and they have a nice fun forum with an arcade a shoutbox for immediate communication with members online. I got my invite code really fast there.

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