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Take it to a locksmith.

Ummm...thanks tips. To get a trigger lock off yourself that you have lost the key for, you can simply drill out the lock mechanism (where the key goes). A drill press is the best for this. For the combo locks with a sliding cover, you can just hit the cover sharply with a hammer and it will break the lock mechanism, releasing the lock. These trigger locks were made primarily to keep kids fingers off guns, not for national security.

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Q: How do you get a trigger lock off a gun without the key?
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Without the key you are going to have to drill it out.

How can you open a lock without the key?

I would call a locksmith.

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With the key. If you do not have the key, take it to a gunsmith. If you are not comfortable taking it to a gunsmith, you are the reason the lock was put there in the first place.

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Mine is used on a gun safe.