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In order to get a thousand dollar gift card, you have to speak the a salesperson or manager of the store to see what things they offer. You may have to buy ten $100 gift cards. That is probably an easier way to get $1000.

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Q: How do you get a thousand dollar gift card?
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Does anyone ever win the Walmart one thousand dollar gift card?

No lol never ending offers and surveys! It is an hoax!

What would be a good 10 dollar gift that could be used for a man or a woman?

a card or gift card

how to get 100 dollar gift card?

it's easy

Can ten thousand dollar gift per year be paid monthly?

The giver determines the terms of a gift.

How much is a Toys R Us 1000 dollar gift card?

Gift cards are the same amount as the value. A $1000 gift card would cost you $1000

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What is a good 5 dollar gift to get?

A card, cheap tiara, toys, anything at the dollar store.

When you get a 200 dollar gift card is it already on there after activated?

Yes. When you activated it it will work.

Can you buy something with a Gift card then get the change back in cash?

Yup. For example if your total payment comes to $50 dollars and you have a $25 dollar gift card you can use the gift card and pay the rest off with cash.

How much is Starbucks gift card?

The price you want it for. If you want to buy a five dollar card, it's five dollars. If you want a ten dollar card, it's ten dollars.