To get a license to provide body piercing services you first need to be trained to provide the services. This requires you to obtain a certificate of training from an accredited facility that provides training or an apprenticeship under an already accredited and licensed professional body piercer who will attest to your training.
Next you need to file an application with the local health inspection facility and the local business licensing department for the area you wish to operate in. Now they both have requirements that must be met before you can be issued a license and a health inspection.
They will advise you of the requirements that need to be met. It's not just one entity you are dealing with but several levels of government that must approve your proposal. You had better obtain your first aid certification, certificate of training, proof of business insurance coverage or ability to obtain rider. You need to be over 21 and in some cases you must be bondable and clear a criminal records check (this may be a requirement of many municipalities prior to licensing application submission).
If the state knows your Michigan license is revoked the answer is NO.
In Kansas, you must be at least 18 years old to obtain a piercing license.
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A compact state is a state that recognizes your license and you do not have to get a new license in that state. Example: You get a license in Illinois to practice nursing, but now want to move to Michigan, which is not a compact state, you have to get licensed all over again in Michigan now. Hope that helped!
A compact state is a state that recognizes your license and you do not have to get a new license in that state. Example: You get a license in Illinois to practice nursing, but now want to move to Michigan, which is not a compact state, you have to get licensed all over again in Michigan now. Hope that helped!
Contact your local health protection office they will provide you with the state requirements for body piercing businesses.
Michigan will place points on a license for a ticket from another state. However, if the offense in the other state would have carried other penalties, including suspension, Michigan is not obligated to impose those penalties.
The standard license plate for the state of Michigan is mostly white. The slogan "Pure Michigan" appears at the top in blue while the state's website appears at the bottom in a wavy block of blue. The license plate number runs across the middle in blue.
If you are not able to renew your license in Michigan real estate, you will be noted as an inactive realtor agent. However, you may still be able to be noted as an active real estate license holder in Michigan by passing the required and updated state requirements in the state and taking several courses, passing the examination and obtaining a certification by the Michigan state.