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Change gender?

See if there's any remote possibility that she'll like you even though you're a guy.

Other than that, give up and move on.

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Q: How do you get a lesbian to like you if you are a guy?
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Can a guy get a lesbian to like him?

Yes, but not sexually. Just as a friend.

What does it mean when you're lesbian for only 1 girl?

if you like a guy too it means your bi but if you just like that girl...your probably just like lesbian

How do you know if a girl is bi or lesbian that you like and your a guy?

uhh, you ask?

If you don't like a guy does that mean Im a lesbian?

Not necessarily. Maybe you aren't attracted to that certain guy. If you feel that you aren't attracted to any guys, it could be that your orientation is lesbian. But there's nothing wrong with being a lesbian.

How can you tell a young woman you like is a Lesbian if she was on her own but you are a guy and you want to talk to her but you curious about her being a lesbian?

Just ask her.

What if you are a guy and you are attracted to a lesbian?

You are attracted to a female who happens to be a lesbian. We like who we like. Sometimes you can know why but sometimes you can't. Her being lesbian has little to do with you liking her. Will anything happen between you two ? Probably not.

What if you are a lesbian and you all of a sudden like a gay guy?

Just be yourself, but understand that you can only be friends with this guy.

What is it called if your a guy and you like girls that like girls?

If a cisgender woman is attracted to both cisgender women and transgender women, it sounds like she is probably gay.

What do you call a lesbian that looks like a guy?

That person would be called a 'butch'.

What should I do if I like this girl but people say she is lesbian and I am a guy?

If you really like her even after hearing that she is a lesbian .Then you must confront that girl surely and try to make her your best friend as nothing more can happen if she is a lesbian.

How can you get a lesbian that has a girlfriend go out with a guy?

If she is a lesbian why would she even go for a guy? Oh yeah she wouldn't.

Can a lesbian fall for a guy?