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For 1 thing don't call her hot to her face. A girl likes to be called pretty of beautiful. All you have to do is smile at her, be nice to her (but not too nice, it might freak her out) and when you get the guts, go up to her and ask her out. Girls will almost NEVER make the first move because they are scared. They want the guy to be brave and ask them out. Also don't be a jerk. I know guys don't know how to act around girls, but being a jerk makes girls want to punch you. So I know it's hard but try to be nice.

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It's important to remember that relationships should be based on mutual respect and genuine connection. Focus on being kind, respectful, and building a friendship with her. Be yourself and show interest in her as a person, not just based on her appearance.

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Q: How do you get a hot 6th grade girl to like you?
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It depends how old you are. Dont. she's in 5th grade.

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Just tell her that their is only one hot girl and it's you.

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Just go with your friends and ask her out. If she's hot, and she thinks you're cute, then your chances are good, she'll say yes to the invitation. this is a girl talking you shoul ask some of your friends and she of she likes you but if she dont you got to get a better look and style and more for the girl to like you !!

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I actually followed one of the answers on wiki answers. I went over to the girl I liked and sat next to her.

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you make the girl hot -well i dont agree with the first answer. You just have to be yourself around the boy and you really cant make anyone like you. But just be yourself and if he likes the real you then he does

Would your brother's friend ever go out with you if you're in 6th grade and he's in 8th grade and he flirts with you and says you're hot?

Girl! If you really like him and he likes you, go for it! just do what ever you feel is right! If you are brave enough to take your chances and ask, I wish ya the best!!:))))) -Jonaslvr9595:)

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Ask a girl on a date and be a gentleman!

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depends how hot she is

Do 6th grade boys like blondes or brunettes better?

I'm an 8th grade girl, and I've been through the same thing. You think your not good enough for the guy you like, you think he's the hottest thing that's ever walked this earth and your crap, I get it. Guys don't specifically like a girl because of their hair color. They like them for who they are, believe it or not. Guys might think girls are hot and want to go out with them, but they'd rather be with the girl that laughs at all their jokes and makes them feel like the most special person in the world.

Should you go out with a guy in 6th grade?

Well, I am a 6th grade guy, and along with a lot of other guys here at Zundy Leadership Academy [BTW, Zundy is short for Zundelowitz! Lol!], yes. We LOVE a nice girl [some more inappropriate guys like hot girls] who is funny, kind, loves what we love, and hates girls hitting on us. Well, sorta. But anyways, good question! Bye!