If I were you, I would punch him on his face and then yell at him to stop bothering me.
It means "Stop bothering me"
Tell your friend to stop bothering you or tell an adult
Stop bothering me
Nothing, you need to practice! that's all, stop bothering us with your stupid questions! xx
When a girl wont stop bothering you it probably means she likes you,or is trying to flirt with you.
If you don't stop bothering your sister, I will have to reprimand you. (verb)If you don't stop bothering your sister, you will receive a reprimand. (noun)
Lock him in a closet.
Tell him you want to do it face to face. Most people, Gay or not will accept the facts if you just tell them. Tell him you are not interested and to stop bothering you.
yell at them and slap his face
"stop bothering me!"
"To bug" in this sense means "to bother." It means "stop bothering me."
Tell them.