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Find a place or club that the dude is in and hang out with him there

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10mo ago

To get a guy from a different school to like you, try starting a conversation with him to get to know him better, show genuine interest in his interests and hobbies, and find common topics to bond over. Additionally, you can ask mutual friends for introductions or attend events where he might be so you can interact in person. Remember to be yourself and let your personality shine to create a genuine connection.

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Q: How do you get a guy to like you from a different school?
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How do you know if a guy likes you in elementary school?

Some signs a guy may like you in elementary school include playing with you often, teasing you in a friendly way, or trying to sit near you. He may also show interest in things you like and try to make you laugh or smile. However, at that age, it's important to remember that friendships can also manifest in similar ways.

How do you know if a guy likes you at elementary school?

•if he's a shy guy he might often blush around you or stare when your not looking •if he's one of your friends he'll try to get near you and make you laugh •and if the guy is confiedent he'll probaly try to show in front of you

What does it mean when a guy asks you how school went?

When a guy asks how school went, it usually means he's showing interest in your life and wants to know more about your day. He may also be trying to start a conversation with you.

If a guy is mean to you does it mean he likes you?

Sometimes, if he is being mean a lot he does if he isn't mean to you that often then maybe he's just a mean person, that is what my mom and my grandmother taught me to believe. If a guy is mean to you that generally means, that he just doesn't like you. In high school, the boys that do like you will show there affection for you in different ways. One being that, they are very sweet. The other, they act like a brother to you and the last being, they are just themselves around you. So to answer your question completley, no not always.

What do white guys like to do before school?

White guys, like people of any race, may have varying interests and routines before school. Some common activities could include eating breakfast, showering, getting dressed, and perhaps checking their phone or preparing any necessary materials for the day ahead.

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What if the guy you like goes to a different school?

DONT go out with him you wont know if he is cheating or not sorry :(

How do you make a guy like you when he goes to a different school?

ask him out on face book! or change schools!

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If you really like him, you will work something out.

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He will like your statuses on facebook.

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call him you will be glad you did

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chances are you will never date him

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get off wikianswers, stop asking them for help, and go tell her how you feel.

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If you dream of a guy from school all the time it probably means you like him and want to be closer to him.

You like a guy who is a little older and at a different school he likes you should you go for it?

Definitely. If you already know he likes you too, give it a try.

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ask him out........

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long distance relationships call him or text him or web video or email him ghee