say that you're cold or do/say something that will make him feel sorry for you and want to give you a hug, Guys love hugs(I am one so i know)
Hug him first.
You hug him or say "gimme hug." A guy never turns down a hug. Unless he hates you. Like really, really hates you.
He likes you. I would go on another date with a guy that got out to hug me!
Appreciate him and hug him back. But hug is not a sign of love.
Be brave wait for like a little and if he doesn't hug you, hug him. You have to be brave.
a guy
hug him tight? obv
There are many types of hugs, including the friendly hug, the romantic hug, the comforting hug, the close hug, and the long hug. The meaning of a hug from a guy can vary depending on the context and the relationship. It can signify friendship, comfort, support, romantic interest, or simply be a gesture of affection.
hug him ;)
Hug them?
Hug his waist and lay your head on his chest
Absolutely, as long as it just a friendly hug.