Ask her if she thinks it will be okay then if she is happy about it (only if she is happy about it), your sorted.
your welcome ;)
i wana toss sam rogers off :)
If you're refering to "tossing his salad" that means you lick his anus . . . . pretty gross, but does feel great. Have fun!
toss her salad thats it we straight
Only if from the point of toss to take off there is no travel that you can't toss to the backboard take 3 or more steps and then catch it, but you can toss take up to 2.5 steps then jump and catch
It means to masturbate him.
toss him off
depends...from where
to toss off a monkey
If you are good at it, he will ejaculate.
Grab it and pull it slowly :) lol
A thumb roll flip is a toss with a baton. The baton rolls off of your thumb resulting in a thumbs-up when you toss it. It is the kind of toss majorettes in a marching band use.
Treat them the exact same way as you would like to be treated if the tables were turned. Then pass this method of dealing with people on to your kids so that you have a legacy that you can be proud of. "toss them off" lol