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You either stop doing creepy things, or you avoid her for about a week and then she'll stop thinking of you as a creep if you do nothing wrong in that week.

Once a girl thinks you are creepy there is no going back and it will take her months sometimes years to see that you aren't a creep. That is--if she is still in your life. But usually she will judge you by one little mistake and hate you for life.

I have made a list of all the big no nos to prevent a girl from thinking you are creepy.

1. If you are shy and not very good at talking to girls do not try and talk to her often. If you repeatedly ask her to hang out, even as friends, she will begin to think you are creepy and tell you to stay away from her. The only exception is if she likes you back then she won't act like that.

2. If you get her cell number do not text her. If she doesn't text you first then only text her about once a month, or if u do just way what's up? or something like that and don't try to have an entire conversation over text because she won't want to text you unless she likes you and if she likes you she will text first. Also if you are texting a girl and she doesn't reply back never reply back something like, "are you there?" , "are you ignoring me?" or anything whatsoever like that or she will think you are creepy and tell you to stay away from her... Also never mention anything sexual over text or anything personal even if you have known her for a long time if she isn't interested in ou she will quickly be turned off by it and forget about all the good things you have done for her and how good of a friend you have been and she will tell you to stay away from her and your friendship will be over.

3. Never complain or tell a girl she is treating you wrong or act like you are the victim. Never get mad if she is hanging out with other guy friends, if she is your gf and she is screwing around then that is different, but never do that to a girl that just sees you as a friend.

In a girls mind they are never wrong and they never do anything wrong to you and everything is your fault. If you ever meet a girl who apologizes to you for how she acts or something she says to you then she is truly a one of a kind and rare-but amazing girl.

4. If you are not skilled in getting women to be attracted to you then if you mention to a friend that you like her and she doesn't feel the same way to not get mad or angry or hurt that she rejected you. and if you are hurt never ever let her know or realize that and just go back to being her friend as if you never mentioned that you liked her or else you will permanently lose your friendship with her if you continue to pursue her.

5. Do not repeatedly message a girl on facebook or myspace or on facebook chat. and if she doesnt message back do not send another message until she replies.

"Girls HATE pushy guys. it scares us. It makes us feel very threatened. We often don't know how to react, either, which scares us even more. We aren't bitches. And texts can be weird, unless the girl says to text. Texts mean you have a measure of familiarity. Like friends."

Do not blame girls for being mean or heartless. It isn't their fault. In the U.S. society women are lead to believe that they are victims, it isn't their fault they think you are a creep it is just a stupid standard in society that guys have to act a certain way or be a certain way or else we are weird or creepy.. It is the same concept with people that are nerds in school or not cool or popular or socially acceptable. Girls are the worst about this and they can't help it. And every girl that reads this will deny it and say it isn't true because "they don't believe they are ever wrong and everything is the guy's fault". They never try to understand or be understanding about guys who aren't skilled at getting girls or outgoing and talkitive... they just see you as creepy or weird and you won't be able to change that, its just the way things are, society sucks and life is just tough and we just have to learn to survive and live with it.

^^ wow talk about limiting beliefs. OK, first of all #2 is extremely misguided. If a girl gives you her phone number, and you don't call her, she's going to feel like you rejected her. Text her once a month thing? That's absolutely ridiculous. Here's what you do. It's called being a man. Most likely she gave you her number because you requested it somehow. You did so for a reason. So text her !!! It also helps if you have a something to talk about. Think about what you're going to text her while you're in the conversation with her. That way you don't draw a blank. Avoid doing what every other guy does.

As for the previous paragraph the arrows are pointing to-- Girls basically act on emotions. They do stuff that feels right to them, and that's fun. However, many times they are told that this is wrong. By society. By daddy. So if they think you will disapprove of what they feel is right, they will do it and you won't find out about it. If you do find out about it, it will always be your fault, as you said.

I basically agree with everything else, although with a small note: You should pretty much do whatever you want with the girl you like. If she responds by thinking you're creepy, then she simply doesn't feel the same way, and you should move on. You have to make a choice. If you like her, you owe it to yourself to go for it AND NOT CARE how she reacts, and yes, you must be prepared to lose her friendship. Unfortunately, because of guys breaking the last paragraph of #2 (if she doesn't like you back, don't pursue her any further or you will lose the friendship forever.. the only part of #2 that I agree with) it is EXTREMELY RARE that a girl will concede to be friends with a guy who has shown interest in her beyond friendship, because so many guys are simply PRETENDING to be her friend until they get another chance to strike again.

So that addendum basically states: Don't be afraid to be seen as creepy. In fact, most guys would do ANYTHING to avoid being called creepy, psycho or a loser. The worst insults EVER! If you refrain from ever showing any interest in a girl or saying anything sexual to her (playfully, in a non-creepy way) then that fear of being called creepy is going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy that gets you labeled creepy nearly every time.

The fact is that women don't have it very well off. Part of why they hate creepy guys is because sometimes, they think.. FINALLY... A guy that's not like every other guy... and then when you do something creepy, it's like shooting their hopes down the toilet. Realize this, and if a girl thinks you're creepy simply because you were genuine and authentic with her about how you feel, then she doesn't realize that you might have been that guy she was looking for, and don't take it personally.

Most importantly, in all that you do, realize that you're talking with a human being.

PS: Forgot to mention, as a comment to the "don't repeatedly ask her to hang out thing." Yeah, you don't wanna do this, EVEN if you've already hung out with her. Basically, realize that if she's having fun with you, she's going to want more, naturally. And that's the best way. Have fun with her, don't worry about hanging out or hanging out again. Let it come natural. There's a way to slip it in at the right moment when she's most likely to go with it and it won't sound needy.

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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Show genuine interest in getting to know her as a person, listen to her without interrupting, and respect her boundaries and personal space. Avoid making inappropriate or sexually suggestive comments, and always be respectful in your interactions with her. Building a positive and genuine connection based on mutual respect and understanding will help dispel any misconceptions of being seen as a creep.

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