I'd tell her about the authentic data that how many people are engaged in anal intercourse with their consent, then to persuade her, I'll show her porn video of sodomy.
Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize was created on 2007-04-20.
To sodomize is to commit sodomy upon someone. Sodomy is defined as anal or oral sex.
Yes, its good craic
the answer is yes
Perhaps you are thinking of the word sodomize, to have anal intercourse with.
because it's easier to sodomize someone on a boat
because it's easier to sodomize someone on a boat
the Utah Jazz can sodomize itself
The Torah prohibits anal sex between men but permits it between a husband and wife.
nope donkeys eat plants, no meat
Them three boys he got with to sodomize, he had a great night with that one son. Love it.
You need to let them down nicely.