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First you have to tell the person you like them and maybe even ask them out, or wait until they ask you out. Then you have to drop little hints that you want to kiss them or even say (if this is true) "Hey, I havent had my first kiss yet.... Have you?" HUGE HINT(: Then if you have any after-school activities, plan to have it there. Or, go to the park or something and have it there. (like me) You defenitly dont want to have it at school. That will attract too much attention and people could tell an adult and you could get in trouble. I hope this helped!

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13y ago
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12y ago

This is if she is your GF:You really want to get to know the girl before you jump right into it.If you automaticly try to get a kiss out of her, she will most probably think that you are pretty wierd.

Wait for a good place and time for it. The school dance is usually the place you should try it. After a little while when the slow dance comes on start complimenting her.As a decent poet ill tell you a couple things to say:The sparkle in your eyes reminds me of a stary night sky:You are the one who completes me, without you i would be nothing. Keep making her feel good until the slow dance is over. You should say next how about we head outside its nice if we could chat alone without the music blocking our conversation. lead her to the side of the building. Tell her she is the most important thing in my life and you are the most beautiful girl ive ever seen.

You are going to stare into her eyes the whole time your saying this. Start moving your head closer and closer tilt your head to the right and close your eyes. make sure that your lips are lined up with hers before you do this.only make it a light kiss dont try making out with her, french kissing. just a kiss on the lips.make it last make it last 4 or 5 secons.wrap your arms around her when you finish see if she liked it by her facial expresion if she did try to get 1 more kiss. this time you can make it last a couple more seconds like maybe 7 or 8 seconds.head back inside and dont tell anyone that you kissed her stay with her and dance with her. that shouldve been the last kiss unless she asks for another or starts giving you signals. she will probably think about you that night. try asking her out. when you meet her dad act like if you mess up 1 bit than you will die.Say:its a privlage that you let me be with your daughter. call him sir unless he wants you to call him something else. compliment the food and make sure you look your best.If he thinks your a good kid he will let you see his daughter more often.if you screw up he will probably hate you and limit the time you spend with her or most likely never let you see her again.if you made it through dinner with her parents than you should ask her out.

start moving to the french kiss or making out after maybe 5 weeks.only do it if she is ready to step up with you.If she isnt ready than wait a little bit maybe a week and see if she is ready. you cant ask her if she wants to french you have to wait for her.always put her before everything else and be there for her.

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11mo ago

It's important to remember that physical actions like kissing should always be consensual and respectful. The best approach is to build a strong emotional connection with the person, show kindness, respect, and listen to them. If the moment feels right, you can subtly show interest by making eye contact, leaning in slightly, and giving her the opportunity to initiate the kiss if she's comfortable. If she reciprocates, remember to always ask for verbal consent before proceeding.

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Q: How do you get a girl to kiss you in seventh grade?
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if you're her age or around that age then yes i have a sixth grade friend dating an eighth grade girl hello

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I'm a girl, and I'm in the 7th grade. What I do is I kind of laugh at everything he says, and always accidently look stupid. And I easily get extreamly jeolous if he is even friends with a girl (who i dont like).

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5th grade is way too young to kiss. Wait until you're 13 or 14.

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No, wait until you are older.

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Your in 3rd grade. Seriously? Even if you did get a girl what can you do? Play on the swings together and kiss behind the slide? Really? You don't need a girl in third grade!

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we'll it depends if that girl likes you. and also on how charming you are.

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Jewelry, it's pretty and romantic.