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If he already has a girlfriend just back off until they are broken up . Then say how you feel. Especially if you don't want to look too pushy.

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Q: How do you get a boy you like who already has a girlfriend?
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How do you tell this boy to like you when he already has a girlfriend?

just tell him (boys like it when girls tell them they like him)seriously

How do you get a boy to like you when he already has a girlfriend?

If he already has a girlfriend, likes this girl a lot, and they are comfortable together, then you should not be trying to get this guy away from her. It will only cause problems, mostly for you.

What to do when you REALLY like a boy who already has a girlfriend?

speaking as a boy, i say that you try to take your mind off it by doing something you love and just do that until you like someone else.

What to do if you like a boy with a girlfriend?

If the boy has a girlfriend, find a guy that doesn't have a girlfriend.

I like this boy at my scchooll but he already has a girlfriend out of school what can i do?

just get another boy, the world isn't fair so take it like a woman. There are lotsa cute guys out there!

If a boy already has a girlfriend but he's likes you better?

If he likes you better, then why does he even have a girlfriend?

Why does a Korean boy ignore you when you tell them I like him?

he may not like you back and ignores you because of that, or he may not understand what you are saying, or he may already have a girlfriend.

How do you get a boy to talk to you but he already has a girlfriend?

You don't if he has a girl let him be and wait ...

Why does this boy that i like call me his girlfriend and stuff and pretended we made out when we aren't and didn't?

If a boy already refers to you as his girlfriend when you are not, and even claims that you have made out when you have not, he is just being overprotective by passing a message to other boys to leave you alone for himself.

You like a boy who has a girlfriend?

do him, and he'll like you (possibly more than his girlfriend).

What do you do if you like a boy but he has a girlfriend?

If a boy has a girlfriend then he is considered taking and you should leave him alone and later he may break up with his girlfriend.

How do you get a boy to like you even if he has a girlfriend?

Don't. Simple as that. If he has a girlfriend, he's already made a commitment and like it or not he's with her. You don't want to be a home wrecker. Trust me. Go look for someone else and you'll be happier in the long run.