

Best Answer
  • I know this sounds silly and you've probably heard it before but all you have to do is be yourself and if he likes you for who you are and he gets over any fears he has of asking you out then he'll just ask you. If you want to speed things up then you can aways try talking to him finding out things you have in common, or you can just ask him out first.
  • Girl don't just waste your time waiting for him just ask him yourself it's so simple. Try it, I have and now we are boyfriend and girlfriend!
  • I agree with the second answer. No way am I gonna wait around that could take 4-ever. So are you joking I'm not gonna wait around. just have the courage to ask him if he likes you then just tell him that you like him back, then you could ask him out!
  • I know that we should just ask him out, but when you're friends take the mick out of him, which is so harsh, you do get a little bit embarrassed by the fact that he may hate you because of that. I would wait a while. If the feelings get stronger, write a letter to him. If he reads it and doesn't get back to you, then I'd do the seconds answer. Hopefully something good will come out of this.
  • Personally, about 80% of boys want you to make the first move, I know from experience that asking them out can go horribly wrong. I once asked a boy out that didn't even see me as a friend, but you move on if you get rejected, now I think, god why'd I ask him out? He has the personality of a table cloth! If you don't know and he hasn't already asked you out, then move on or ask him out, its completely your choice, though both are the wrong and right answer in there own right. By the way a tip to help you decide, if he's overly nice to you, ask him out, if he's ok when not around his friends otherwise nice, ask him out, if he doesn't even talk and always insults you, whatever you do don't ask him out and lastly if he insults you round say a dominant friend (one they try to be like) see what happens because I'm going through that right now.
  • Just wait for a few days and remember to act nice to him. Then he will realize how nice you are and will ask you out. It happened to me! You should also not be uncomfortable around a guy. That happened to me and it was embarrassing.
  • Be yourself! Don't think you have to wear Aeropastle or Hollister just for him to like you. That is so not true if that is all the guy likes about you he is not worth the love.
  • Yes just be yourself! ...otherwise he will be interested in the wrong you! You could say to him "So someone told me that you want to go out with me so if that is true then OK" that way it makes it sounds like he has asked you out even though it's not true. If he tells you "well I didn't tell anybody!" doesn't it sound like he likes you! Try to encourage him to ask you out!
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Alexa Hillyard

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4y ago

i have no idea!!!!! sorry i'm no help but this is not helping me either sorry!!!!!!

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16y ago

he has to have an interest in you first

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Q: How do you get a boy to ask you out?
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don't aver ask a boy out u have to lat him ask you first

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You ask him out.

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I wouldn't ask the boy out. I would wait and let him ask me out. ~Deb~

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never, the boy has to ask you out first!