First, you must have your own YouTube account. If you do, go to that person's channel and click the "subscribe" button.
My youtube accounts are NoahBabyOnline & NoieCyrusOnline. I had noieemsshow but someone hacked it and deleted it.
How can I dedicate a video song from YouTube to someone in facebook
In my opinion, a good Youtube name for someone who makes top 5 countdowns is TopZ or TopFiveZ.
Ofcourse! As long as you have a Youtube Account, subscribing to a channel just means you like it and that you want to receive letters about new videos coming from that channel!And if you get google plus you can follow ur FAV tubes on there
When someone tags have to make a video saying that you got tagged and say 5 facts about you then tag someone else ! but no tag backs! atleast i dont think
Follow the Youtube video.
Katvampire123 is someone who on YouTube
she doesn't have a youtube account. but follow her on twitter! @DanielleMCam
And facebook
Follow the link in the 'related link' section.
Follow the instructions on Youtube.
Follow the instructions on Youtube.
follow instructions on youtube.
Follow the Youtube instructions.
Follow the instructions on Youtube.
Yes, someone can.
Yes, Youtube has Community Guidelines. If you don't follow them you get a strike. If you get three strikes then your banned from Youtube. Youtube doesn't tell you when you get a strike unless you get three of them..