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im personally a girl so i have dated guys before and they usually try to be funny that gets me hooked and then if that doesnt work if you know them a little ask them questions like do you like Pizza or ice cream and then if they say yes ask them if they can go sometime and by then the girl will have taken u as sort of bf

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

Flirting with a girl involves light-hearted teasing, maintaining eye contact, smiling, and using playful body language. Show genuine interest in her by asking questions and actively listening to her responses. Remember to be respectful and authentic in your interactions.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The point of flirting is to get across subtly that you're interested in more than only talking. As such it flirting in itself is something that tries to make itself noticed, so there would be no point flirting with a girl without her knowing. It's possible of course that she doesn't realise you're flirting, if your flirting is too much like normal chatting with a friend.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

to flirt with a girl, there are many ways to flirt. You could wink or wave at her when she stares at you. Every time you talk to this girl ,make sure you are not nervous. You could also Google for a whole list of ways to flirt.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Signs you may be flirting:

- You treat her differently too other girls

- You compliment her

- You send a lot of winky faces to her

- You find any excuse to talk to her

- You say or text things that are supposed to impress her

- If you like her you are probably flirting with her even if you don't realise it

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Hey, I'm a girl and it depends on what she said. As in flirt 'back'. Leave her wanting more :).

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They flurt by hugging,kissing,joking,laughing,having agasajos, with the jainas and so and so.

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Either she is trying to use you, or she does like you. Either way, go for her. As long as she is sexy

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flurt with other girls and if she tells them off tell here that you thought she was not into you!? if she doesnt dont show that you what her and kiss a HOT girl where she can see you.

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you cant make someone like you, no matter how hard you try, it just happens. but you could try by being friendly and flurt with them and see where that takes you.

You dont know if you can flurt?

just talk and get close

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make the score and flurt

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If a girl loves you she will flurt with you.If you both love each other she will tell you she loves you back. well u can tell if they hang around you alot and chase after u alot & and htey like u haahahjdsjs

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carefully if you are personal friends, you should ask if they are going to the dance, then ask if he/she will go with you! if you arent to familiar with the guy/girl than try to talk with them and flurt,than ask him/her! :D

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only an idiot wouldn't know that. they have a crush on you if they flurt, or if they only play(p)jokes on you, they hate you and want to make you look bad.

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yes he is so popular and flurt with girls

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say hi when u see him and maybe flurt with him a little