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As far as brothers are concerned the last thing they want to have is a sister interloping onto their turf and that's their friends. Your brother also wouldn't want to have to put up with hearing about you from his friends. It's sort of like knowing your parents had to have sex to have you, but the whole scene is an ugly one. The most mature way to do this is be around every so often without becoming a pest so that hopefully one of your brother's friends will notice you. You could take out cool drinks for them and then walk away. Guys notice girls more when they don't make a fuss and aren't hanging around all the time, but just make the odd appearance.

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Q: How do you flirt with your brothers older friends?
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Its, I know her because my brothers best friends dads old girlfriends cousins brothers best friends older brother is in her band as the guitarist!

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I don't see why not. Go ahead and flirt away!

Is it legal to flirt with older guys?

AnswerYeah.AnswerNo of course not! You could flirt with an 100 yr. old and no one would care! It is normal to have feelings for older guys and flirt with them, there more mature for one thing! Just be careful they're not to much older than you.

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flirt with him when his friends aren't around. simple as that. if you get a positive reaction, ask him out!!!! who cares what his friends think, their opinions don't matter!

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Flirt with his friends

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How do you impress a boy when you are 11?

when you find out, tell me then!But you could maybe flirt with him, make him like, become friends with him and if its on of your brothers/sisters friends make himcome over etc. because normally little sisters go out with their brothers friends.JUST MAKE HIM TRY TO LIKE YOUSHOW OFF IMPRESS YOURSELFGOOD LUCK

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no soulja boy tellem and monica is not brothers or sisters !