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hmmm start with TALKING TO HIM!!! lol okay hmm. Your a shy person im guessing. Well i use to use these flirting tips. hmm they were things like: copy his movements. Careful not to completely mimick him because then you will look like a monkey! but if he folds his arms shift yours into folding them. if he flicks his hair flip yours slightly. dont go overboard. remember slight but sure movements. Look him straight in the eyes when you talk to him and a couple years ago i read this tip about wearing a small necklace and play with it a little while your talking to him. dont look descracted during the conversation. If you never talk to him you cant depend on him seeing you. go up to him and just talk. maybe he will catch the bait. good luck

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11mo ago

Start with a confident smile and eye contact to show your interest. Initiate a conversation by asking a casual question or making a light-hearted comment. Find common interests to discuss and show genuine curiosity about him. Remember to be yourself and maintain a friendly and approachable attitude.

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When you like a guy you never flirt with him in front of his friends. NEVER! Pick a different place to flirt

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Be a flirt right back! You never know, he might just like you!

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Yes! Always be true to your guy. Never do something shameful like flirt with other dudes. If you are addicted to it, maybe your guy isn't the ONE.

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This guy flirt with me because his not satisfy with his lover.

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A guy will most likely flirt the most when he is most confident.

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Go for the guy you like!

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You flirt with a girl like you would flirt with a guy.

How do you flirt with a guy?

Be confidently you

You like this guy what do you do?

Flirt with him.

How can I get the guy that likes me?

Flirt with him.

Is stepping on your foot and then giggling guy flirt?

yes i flirt alot

How can you tell a guy likes you when he is a big flirt with girls?

If he's into you, he'll flirt with you in a way that he doesn't flirt with other girls. Another sign is that he'll flirt with you the most and if this guy really likes you, he'll either ask you out or be rude or kind, it depends on what kind of guy he is.