just make him laugh:) text him dont be creepy stalkerish
You flirt with a girl like you would flirt with a guy.
Why does anyone flirt with anyone? Attention.
Well if the guy knows that your flirting with him when you text him you should flirt with him in person. Yeah if your only doing that in text's he'll think your not serious about a relationship and wont take the one you have seriously.
I'm a girl. The best way to tell if a girl likes you is they flirt, laugh at your jokes, and mostly FLIRT and they like hanging around with you.... Shy girls will just stare at you in admiration! you can just get their phone numbers.... shy people are not as shy when you text them....
you slowly go up to her and flirt but not over the top and just ask her!
;D ;) ;p ;o
I might put kisses in the text at the end.
then ill will flirt with you
Certainly - depends on what you say.
She is interested and doesn"t want anyone to know or She is just a flirt and doesn't actually like u
well honey just move on it means she a hater