Crosman still services this pistol it is best to contact them and tell them what you need, their address is: Crosman Corporation
7629 Routes 5 & 20
East Bloomfield, NY 14443
1-800-7AIRGUN (724-7486)
The Air Mag C11 (Airsoft) is designed to shoot 6mm Plastic BB's. The C11 BB pistol is designed to shoot .177 Caliber metal BB's.
Crosman still services this pistol it is best to contact them and tell them what you need, their address is: Crosman Corporation7629 Routes 5 & 20East Bloomfield, NY 144431-800-7AIRGUN (724-7486)
The C-11 shoots .177 Caliber BB's not pellets
The c11 co2 pistol shoots at 480 Feet Per Second (FPS)
They are made in Taiwan. It's printed on the muzzle of the pistol
The C-11 is a BB gun. The other two are pellet pistols. Of the three I prefer the 357 it is more accurate than the other two pistols.
The SP2022 has a better warranty. Faster FPS and cost less.
See the link below for the Crosman 454 Owners Manual.
See the link below.
see the link below for the owners manual
It would help if you Identified the model of the pistol. Crosman had made more than 50 models over the years.CROSMAN makes about a dozen different models of BB guns. Which one are you asking about? I suggest you go to the link below and look up your pistol and find the parts manual for it.
I assume you are asking about the Crosman model 36 Frontier. If this is the right pistol then please state the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Vary Good or Excellent condition?