Go into settings, find touch and ID, open it, and follow the directions given.
iphones do it is under settings and general (except from ios6 and ios7)
yes they do you have to go into the settings menu then press on conections and switch on the bluetooth
Pod drop repairs iPhones, iPods, and iPads.
For iPhones, you can just go into an apple store and ask them to fix it. As for other phones, you can go to fix-a-phone.com.au and follow the links
go to the control panel and select the finger reader
No - restoring one phone to its factory settings will have no effect on the other.
fix it
go to settings then go to brightness and you can fix it from there.
Physically/hardware fix it? or fix the settings? MOAR INFO needed.
Yes, iPhones automatically adjust for daylight saving time changes based on the time zone settings. The date and time will be adjusted accordingly without needing manual intervention.
Hit Esc. -> Settings -> Controls