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You let a trained gunsmith fix it.

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Q: How do you fix a jammed browning 32 semi-auto pistol?
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This is a problem best left to a qualified gunsmith.

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Yes, if your mechanical pencil is jammed and you can't fix it, you may need to replace it with a new one.

How do you fix a jammed pistol?

No one answer- sort of like how do you fix a car that won't start. Depends on what the problem is that was causing the jam. Possible sources of the problem- bad or wrong ammo, bad magazine lips, dirty/unlubricated gun. broken/ worn parts, and operator error.

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You open access and take the jammed bullet out. Or if access doesn't open take the clip out then take the jammed bullet out.

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In order to fix a jammed glove box in a car, a person will need a credit card, screwdriver, hammer, paper clip, and graphite. Force will have to be used to open up the glove box.

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Best to go get a used one & replace it

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You need the services of a good gunsmith

How can I fix a jammed mechanical pencil?

To fix a jammed mechanical pencil, try gently pushing the lead back into the pencil, checking for any obstructions, and twisting the tip to release the jam. If the problem persists, disassemble the pencil and clean out any debris.

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How do you fix a jam in a shotgun?

u dont get it jammed in the first place and u wouldnt have that problem