Made for Coast to Coast Stores by Mossberg, it is a Model 479. gunpartscorp lists SOME used parts for your rifle on their website- check under Mossberg 479. Your rifle has been out of production for several years, so used parts may be your best shot (pun intended)
Known as a "Hardware Store" gun, your rifle was made for Coast to Coast hardware stores by Mossberg. It is a Mossberg model 479. Depending on condition, these sell for around $300-$325. Nice rifle, BTW.
Do a search for High Standard A1041 rifle parts. Numrich gun parts has a good selection of parts for this rifle.
Numrich gun parts
show me breakdown &parts for J.C. Higgins 22 cal. rifle
Are you looking for a specific model or action type? Have you tired doing an internet search for "parts of a rifle"?
Which model??
That model is obsolete, but we have a good selection of parts.
We have parts for that model.
Go to Numrich Gun Parts Corp.They should have what you need.
The Sears Model 42DL .22 caliber rifle was manufactured by Marlin Firearms, their Model 80. Check with Marlin for parts availability.
Go to Numrich Gun Parts Corp.