Contact Browning or go to their site and look it up under Customer Service.
Depending on age and condition of your browning semi-auto shotgun?You will find the value ranging between 350-550 dollars for your browning auto-5 shotgun.
You will have to call Browning to find out.
There were 2 distinct models of the Browning double auto shotguns made.the first models were the standard double auto,and light weight double auto shotguns which were made from 1952-1960.The second set were the twelvette double auto,and the twenty weight double auto.These were made from 1957-1971.The letter combination prefix of 3A would suggest that your Browning shotgun nwas made in the year 1963,which would make it the second set of shotguns mentioned.I hope that you find this info informative.
You must call Browning to find out.
You will have to call Browning to find out.The serial number prefix of 6V indicates that you have a Browning auto-5 shotgun that was made in 1966,and the letter V indicates that you have a Magnum model auto-5 shotgun.
Is it an over/under, side by side, pump or semi-auto?
You will have to call Browning to find out.
Find a good gun shop or gun smith.
Go to MidWest Gun Works web site to find an authorized repair center.
Contact Browning.
You will have to call Browning with the serial number to find out.