if she sneaks around a lot or has a lot of close guy friends she could possibly be a cheater but the best way to figure it out is to be straight up and ask her
One who cheats.
you can't you cheater
An individual that cheats on an examine can be called either a cheat or a cheater. Cheaters never prosper.
I want you guys to create a homework cheater
5 8 cheater
Well that'd be a lesbian cheater.
Not until you break up with the girlfriend because there are ways she can find out and she then can call you a cheater!!!!!!!!!!
he's either a cheater or.... Yeah just a cheater.
i think she is uguly and shes a cheater
You break up with your girlfriend and stop trying to be a cheater. Kay?
He is either bored in his current relationship or he is a serial cheater. However, I do not believe once a cheater always a cheater. People do change.
hes a cheater
it means that she is a cheater.
here is your essaycheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater cheater
you of to care for your girlfriend ,tell her you love her, kiss her alot,in the nights do not be too wild and if she is a cheater don't have sex with her you will get any disease that was transmit to her be safe fellow .
It means he is a cheater. Steer clear.
Dump the cheater. He obviously is not interested in how you feel - regardless of his justification for cheating.