I think you mean the IMEI number. Usually, it should be written at the box where the phone was when bought.
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity MSISDN - Mobile Directory Number Both are two different numbers. One is used to identify a subscriber by operator. Other is used to route the call. A subscriber becomes customer of an operator by buying the SIM card of the operator. At this point the subscriber is allocated an IMSI and an MSISDN. IMSI is used to identify a subscriber by the operator. But MSISDN is the number which is used for dialing. So when you call your friend/a mobile, you call the MSISDN number of the mobile, not the IMSI. For Eg: Consider 2 subscriber's A & B. And assume the values given below; IMSI (A) : 987123111111111 IMSI (B) : 987124111111111 MSISDN (A) : 9448012121 MSISDN (B) : 9448121212 So when A would like to call B, A dials the MSISDN number of B, i.e, 9448121212. And same is true for vice-versa. Now coming to need of IMSI, when a mobile is switched on, it needs to identify and authenticate the subscriber with the network. Only then the mobile will be able to use the network services. So to identify the user in this scenario, the IMSI of the subscriber is used. In fact the IMSI is burned in the SIM card, which will be used while authenticating with network. MSISDN will not be stored in the SIM. 10:18, 3 September 2007 (UTC) : A couple of important things were left out of that description. There are three identities IMEI, IMSI and MSISDN. The IMEI is the mobile phone's identity which is burned into the phone. The IMSI is the identity of the SIM card. And MSISDN is the phone number. You can change the phone number of the phone without changing its IMSI (the sim card). You can keep the same phone number (MSISDN), change phones (the IMEI) and just move the SIM card (IMSI). By separating the three identities, it makes it easy for subscribers to easily upgrade phones without having to change phone numbers or accounting information. Kgrr (talk) 23:57, 2 June 2008 (UTC)
IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) is a unique number associated with the SIM card/account. IMSI is not a function or feature of the mobile phone so the question should probably be, How can I read my IMSI using my phone?Depending on your phone make and model, sometimes this information can be exposed in various informational or engineering screens. Some phones you will need to download and install software to view such information as IMSI.It would help to know which handset(s) you are interested in using to this end as the solutions to the query are quite diverse.One mechanism if you have access to terminal software and can send AT commands (see: http://bit.ly/cwkzA7) to your mobile device, the command: AT+CIMI will return the IMSI as long as the SIM is initialized (will not return IMSI if the SIM is locked).If your phone has some form of Application download community/store then there is a strong chance that someone has written a phone information, inspector, sysinfo tool/application that will read the IMSI along with other phone details.
how can i get my imsi number on my 3g iphone accidentely erased it is it important to be in spot under subcriber artificial module
Which element inside of the IMSI reveals the nation of the subscriber?
to oversimplify - IMSI does not apply to a handset, it's a property of SIM card
If you are talking about Cell phone no It can never possible because Every cell phone have an IMSI (international mobile sequence identity) and so no two no can have same no.but SIM cards can be cloned and then 2 or more person can have same no but it is illegal .
MSISDN is a number uniquely identifying a subscription in a GSM or UMTS mobile network. Simply put, it is the telephone number to the SIM card in a mobile/cellular phone. The abbreviation has several interpretations, most common one being "Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number".[1] The MSISDN together with IMSI are two important numbers used to identify a mobile phone. IMSI is often used as a key in the HLR ("subscriber database") and MSISDN is the number normally dialed to connect a call to the mobile phone. The MSISDN follows the numbering plan defined in the ITU-T recommendation E.164. More Details in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSISDN
No i cant get it.
I will answer the question by explaining IMSI and IMEI. IMSI number is a number that will identify the subscriber on any network (International as well). This is an international unique number that will tell any network from which country and network in that country you are from which a unique subscriber ID to identify who they are billing in the country of origin. Thus your SIM card will store this number. Your MSISDN (telephone number) will be linked to this IMSI number. Your IMEI number is device related. Thus an IMEI number will identify your device on any network (international as well). This number will be unique to your device and no other device in the world will have the same IMEI. From the IMEI we can derive certain information like your device TAC code that in turn identifies your device make, model, name and features that you have. Certain networks use the IMEI to send device specific settings to your device, to enable your device to connect to the inernet, send sms (texts), mms, svs etc. Both these numbers are used in conjunction with each other to improve your experience on any international network (Well at least they are intended to improve your experience - it is the sole responsibility of the network how they go about in making that happen) Thus to answer the question: The IMSI and IMEI number are not remotely the same. Both are internationally unique numbers applicable to a subscriber(SIM) and mobile device respectively. No part of any number of the IMSI and IMEI are related. (At time of answering this question I think there might be a country of manufacture / origin but not related to the country code in the IMSI ... but this is my professional opinion and memory that can't remember ... will need to check the last part of the IMEI again to see what it tells me again)
Some options for construction design softwares are the Home Designer Suite by Chief Architect, IMSI Turbo Floor Plan Home and Landscape Pro, and IMSI TurboFLOORPLAN Instant Architect.
Review: Superior Sim Ultra + For iPhone 4 Modemfirmware 04.12.09 with Ios 7.0.4 SIM hackFor much of the last two years time, even the manufacturer of these SIM hack products acknowledge that their product is no longer needed; so it was quite a surprise when Superior Solution announced that they have something that will unlock the iPhone 4 BB 04.12.09 with Ios 7.0.4 . Contrary to conspiracy theories, they withheld onto the product because:Initial production cost is high, they risk losing a lot of their investment should the dev team come up with a software unlock that does the same job if not better, before they were able to recover their cost.The exploit they used is not without serious problems, hence they were reluctant to produce it until there seems to be no alternatives coming for a while.The exploit they used is very simple, provided you have the tools and skill, details to follow...I have made a mistake earlier by calling it TurboSIM and it is not. @MuscleNerd reminded me of the correct term "SIM interposer", since it sits electrically between the SIM card and baseband hardware to perform a classic.How did It Work?SIM card holds many different types of information, but the part most involved with carrier lock is the IMSI number, which is a unique code that corresponds to your account in the mobile carrier's database.A sample IMSI might look like this310 150 987654321The first two segments are known as Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) respectively, and in the example above the IMSI indicate the SIM is from USA (310) AT&T (150).When the iPhone baseband is loaded into memory, it checks the MCC and MNC against its own network lock state stored in the seczone. If the combination is allowed, the cell radio is activated and vice versa.The earliest iPhone baseband revisions only check IMSI twice following a restart, therefore it is very easy to spoof information in order to bypass the check. Never theless, the baseband was soon updated to validate SIM more aggressively and the method no longer works.To guard against eavesdropping that plagued pre-GSM cellular networks, the initial connection to a network does not only involve IMSI, but a 4-byte TMSI to identify each handset before IMSI is sent. The base station recognises the IMSI as one of their users and replies with a nonce (RAND) to the handset, where is signed with a 128bit key (Ki, stored encrypted on the SIM) and sent back. The network checks the string against their own result using the same RAND and Ki and allows the device to register if the two value matches.You see, the IMSI is only sent once and never directly involved with authentication; as long as your key is valid, you will be able to get service. This is exactly what the various SIM hacks where a fake IMSI is sent along with the correct key. In our case, the IMSI is invalid but some network proceed to the next step anyway - I will explain this in detail later.Partial RevivalApparently somebody figured out that while the i4 baseband has been patched to prevent test IMSI from working, it is still possible to force activate the baseband using the emergency dialer.After that, it is relatively the same trick all over again. Let's see what it does at each step.You will need to use the SIM tray supplied and file your MicroSIM slightly to accommodate the EEPROM chip.Installing the Superior Sim Ultra +.The phone will search for signal, comes up with no service and finally settling on this "one bar" icon. At this stage the sim interposer is passing the parameters from the SIM as is.Dial 112 and hang up after the call is connected. The emergency call overrides the network lock and activates the cell radio. The network issues a TMSI for your real IMSI.Note: This Step No Appear Normally This step When I Do When I Not Got Sinals In Bars.Toggle Airplane mod On/Off. Once the interposer senses Airplane mod, it transiently blocks electrical connection between the phone and the SIM (hence it will show "No SIM card installed")The signal bars appear, we are safe:-) The network is able to register you again because the TMSI you obtained earlier is still valid, and the IMSI is not checked again.