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When you feel guilty after cheating on a test, try to tell a friend. Even better, tell your teacher to redo the test because you cheated. I'm your teacher will understand after telling him/her the truth. Study for real this time. The guilt will go away after telling your teacher.

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Q: How do you feel un guilty after cheating on a test?
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What is a word to say you hate yourself?

ugly, un-loved,un- cared for, lonley, ashamed...(which you arent any)

How do you say depressed in french?

Depressing = Déprimant It's a depressing film = C'est un film déprimant

What does anxiety do?

normal anxiety is a natural emotion or feeling that everybody gets. its kind of like a nutural response to something bad. i can explain as the feeling you get just before you have a job interview, or you now something painful is coming your way. but anxiety can start to arriving more often, strong, on mild situations and sometimes completely un-provoked. this is an anxiety disorder. the answer to what anxiety will do to you: make you feel nervous, unable to feel secure or confortable in your own skin, panicky, scared... if it progresses to get worse it may cause you to shake, flush, palpitate, feel like you cant get your breath, fear rushing through every nerve in your body, feel like your going to die or something is seriously wrong, and tight chest. this is known as an anxiety attack or panic attack.

Al tomar fluoxetina quiere decir que la paciente es bipolar?

No necesariamente. La fluoxetina es un antidepresivo que se utiliza para tratar la depresión, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, bulimia nerviosa y otros trastornos. La bipolaridad se diagnostica mediante una evaluación exhaustiva por un profesional de la salud mental. Si tienes inquietudes sobre tu salud mental, es importante hablar con un médico para recibir un diagnóstico preciso y un plan de tratamiento adecuado.

How do you pronounce Melancholic?

The word "melancholic" is pronounced as muh-LANG-kuh-lik. The emphasis in the pronunciation is on the second syllable.