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I just bought a bottle. I have drank Johnnie Walker Green and Gold with ice, and have had no qualms about that, but I don't want to detract anything from the higher-priced Blue. With Single Malts, there's no question; I always drink them straight, or with just a little water.

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Q: How do you drink Johnnie Walker blue ice or no ice?
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What is the best way to drink johnny walker blue label scotch?

Not just JWBlue but all scotch should be sipped neat. No ice. No water. Room temperature and savored two fingers at a time in a, prefferably clean, whiskey glass. Blends are nice but it becomes difficult to discern all of the wonderful hidden flavors when it gets that complicated. Single malts are preferred by this contributor.

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How many years is Johnny Walker Blue Label Scotch aged?

Johnnie Walker Blue Label is, like most Johnnie Walker whiskeys, a blended scotch bottled to the specifications of Scottish Law. The laws state that if an age is to be listed, it must be the age of the youngest scotch. For that reason, many blends leave off the age, as the inclusion of a very young scotch would make the age seem unimpressive (for instance, blending a 20 year old scotch with a 6 year old scotch would make the blend a "6 year old blend"). Johnnie Walker does not release aging for its Blue Label blend (it does for other labels), but it is oft reported that the blend contains some very old scotches, some aged 40 years to upwards of 60 years.