If you're using smart or talkn'text network.. Just type FB then send to 211.
No. You can just go through opera to access it.
To install Facebook on China Mobile you must first download the app to your computer and then save it to your phone.
From what i read about Facebook's latest update you probably tried downloading an app not compatible with your iphone3. I suggest you post your question on your current Facebook page.
Incognito mode simply means there will be no record of your browsing or download histories. It will not make you 'invisible' to your Facebook friends.
There is 2 ways of accessing 'Facebook' via your BlackBerry.1.Just go onto the internet. You should be able to access 'Facebook' like you normally would, just using your phone as the mouse and keyboard.2. Download the 'Facebook' app from the 'BlackBerry App World'
You cannot play the Facebook games and apps on your Nokia Lumia 520 windows phone since you did not download the right app.
the facebook app is not needed, however you can download it.
Download the facebook app from the app store.
go on app store and download it
create a blackberry app world account and download
Yes it does! You can simply download the facebook app from the Android Market.
Download an app from the app store
Use Snaptu to get notifications. Notifications are not supported on the build in facebook app.
App stoRe-)search-)facebook
The Facebook iPod Touch/iPhone app can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.
To download WhatsApp on Nokia Lumia 610 you have to got to the address bar and type the WhatsApp address. Once it opens you can then download the app.
Just download Facebook from your App Store located on your iPhone.