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59 Piru iz food

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Is 59 piru a real gang?

There's no such thing as ''59 Piru'', that's NOT an official Piru set under the Blood Alliance. SIDE NOTES: Any set under the U.B.N.(United Blood Nation) is a FAKE Blood set, because real Blood sets are under the BLOOD ALLIANCE.

Who is the founder of 59 piru?

There is no founder of a ''59 Piru'' because there is no such Piru set called the ''59 Piru''......

What does piru mean to the Crips gang?

Piru Is For Bloods Crips Have Nothing to do with Piru

What is piru line up?

The only Piru I know of is the Piru gang but ''Piru Line Up'' not sure

Who are the piru kings?

The Piru Kings would be the founding fathers of the Piru Gang.

Is rapper Kebo Gotti in the Jurassic Park Piru gang?

No, Kebo Gotti is not in the Jurassic Park Piru gang, he is in the Hit Squad Brim gang.

What kinda Piru is brick squad monopoly rapper D-Bo?

Jurassic Park Piru.

Is rapper TI in the Jurassic Park Piru gang?

No, T.I. is not apart of the Jurassic Park Piru gang, he doesn't claim any gang at all.

Can wiight people join piru?

Yes, White peple can join the Piru gang.

Who is the biggest blood gang in san Diego?

East Side Piru Gang

How many Piru gang sets are there?

No, 152 Piru is NOT a Piru set.There's already a Piru set in Compton, called the 151 Original Block Pirus, so it wouldn't make sense for a Piru set to be named the ''152 Piru''.

Can white people join the piru gang?

The Pirus or Piru Gang was originally a hustler group or a set. They later became a set of the ñBloodsî side of gang battle. There is no documentation of racial requirements.