On Dal died in 590.
dal is a lentil
Dal Orlov's birth name is Orlov, Dal Konstantinovich.
Oleg Dal's birth name is Dal, Oleg Ivanovich.
When dal is treated with HCl, the color of the dal may change to pink or red, indicating the presence of tannins in the dal. This color change is due to the reaction between tannins in the dal and the acid in the HCl.
Dal means decalitre 1 dal (1 decaliter) = 10 liters
Dal profondo means from deep. Dal profondo is Italian meaning- from deep.
The scientific name of moong dal is Vigna radiata.
I think by black dal you mean the urad dal with husk. That is cooked in Punjab.
To convert milliliters (ml) to decaliters (daL), you need to divide by 100. So, to convert 1 ml to daL, you would have 0.01 daL.
what are the sowing seasons of dal
dal does have protein : )