S&W will send you a manual for free if you go to their website and request one. As a general rule, revolvers do not need to be dissasembled for cleaning.
You gun takes the .38 Special. Its original (and proper) name was ".38 Smith & Wesson Special" since Smith & Wesson introduced the first gun chambered for this cartridge, which differentiated it from the earlier ".38 Smith & Wesson". The .38 S&W Special will not interhange with the .38 S&W.
38 special
Your serial number indicates that your Smith and Wesson 38 special was made in the Year 1960.
Email smith and Wesson for the answer
Not recommended for normal cleaning. Seek the services of a gunsmith.
If you contact Smith & Wesson, they will give you that information.
@ 1974
i have a 38 special smith and wesson,how can i tell if it is a chefs special or not.
The 38 Smith and Wesson Special is the full name for the 38 Special cartridge or revolver caliber with that designation, and so it is the same thing. The 38 Smith and Wesson Special cartridge is not the same as the 38 Smith & Wesson cartridge or 38 Long Colt cartridge, and should not be able to fit into those revolvers, but in rare cases it may, so use caution. (See Related Links)
e age and or value of smith and wesson 38 serial number 3k36--- please
Smith&Wesson model 14
Revolvers do not have safetys