go to "Options"
go to "Applications"
Press "Menu" then " edit permissions"
and click " allow" on all applications
The Blackberry Curve 9300 is much better than the 8520 because the 9300 has a faster processor and Internet connection as the 8520 doesn't, but the 8520 is much cheaper than the 9300 but i recommend the 9300.
subscribe to the BIS service from your mobile service provider. Once you do this the icons for internet and mail will automatically appear. Incase you do not want to do so, try to activate the WIFI (I do not remember if 8520 has it). That will work too.
blackberry 8520 is newer.
you can buy the blackberry Curve 8520 3G:)
Blackberry Curve 8520
I have a BlackBerry Curve 8520. Well, it doesn't have a flash.
You can not unlock Blackberry 8520 with 0 attempts left .
Yes it does.
8520....any reasons u wanna know why just ask. :)
Yes it dose
8520 suodi ryal price